Water Rescue Pri 1 ( Vessel Taking On Water )
Sunday, May 10, 2020
06:15Hrs on Mother’s Day May 10th 2020.
Station 40,57,54,53 Trp 2 & DNREC F&W were alerted for a vessel taking on water approximately 1.5 miles East of the day marker off Bowers Beach.
Fire departments responded with their smaller rescue boats as the channel has shoaled up at low water. A large schooner was grounded in the middle of the channel blocking the larger rescue boats from making a response. All the commercial crabbers in the area made a response to the distress call. Two of the crabbers rafted up alongside and tied off tight to the vessel in distress keeping him afloat till enough pumps were on board to keep up with the flow. After the water was being controlled the vessels had to wait another hour for the tide to make enough water to pass the channel back into Bowers. Upon arrival at the boat ramp, another hour was needed to make enough tide to trailer the vessel.
Many thanks to the Commercial Crabbers and the Fire Department Rescue Boats for making this a successful endeavor. The Maritime community in the Central Delaware Bay area are 2nd to none.
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